We were never too big on 🍪 anyway!

While the programmatic industry has mixed feelings in different circles about Google's landmark decision to not really deprecate cookies after all, most stakeholders feel that the drive toward cookieless and more holistic audience targeting solutions have nothing but helped improve the revenue potential of inventories. 

And lucky for us, CTV was never 🍪 reliant to begin with. Operating in a distinctly different environment than its digital counterparts, CTV ad targeting utilizes identifiers that are not subject to the same turbulence as 3P cookies. By applying deterministic identifiers based on known, privacy-compliant user attributes rather than relying heavily on probabilistic tracking methods, advertisers are in a much better position to find scaled, engaged audiences in CTV environments as opposed to digital. 

VISTA’s broad spectrum of identity tools empower publishers to gain deep, meaningful insights into their audiences, allowing for more accurate audience mapping against advertisers’ targeting requirements. The more sophisticated the metadata passed down to the SSPs, the higher the chances of matching against ad opportunities. 

Here's how our SmartCuration tech leverages advanced AI/ML modeling to segment and curate publisher inventory into audience-based and contextual PMP packages to enhance fill rates and maximize audience-led monetization for publishers: 

Audience Segmentation

VISTA analyzes publishers’ audience data to segment viewers based on various demographics, interests, behaviors, and other relevant factors, in order to understand the different audience segments that are available for targeting.

Audience Profiling

Once the audience segments are identified, VISTA creates detailed profiles for each segment. These profiles include information such as demographics (household, age, gender, income, location), viewing behavior (device information, viewing by hour), interests (content preferences, viewing habits) and more!

Contextual Targeting

In addition to audience-based targeting, VISTA also leverages contextual targeting techniques to understand the content being consumed by viewers. We analyze factors such as the genre of the content, keywords within the video, and the context of the scene to determine the most relevant ads to display.

Package Creation

Based on the segmented audience data and contextual insights, VISTA creates packaged offerings within the PMP environment. These packages typically include a combination of audience-based targeting segments and contextual targeting parameters.

Customization Options

VISTA also provides customization options to tailor the targeting criteria according to any specific campaign goals. This could involve selecting specific audience segments, adjusting contextual targeting parameters, or defining custom audience attributes.

Fill Rate Optimization

By packaging audience segments and contextual targeting options together, VISTA aims to improve fill rates for CTV publishers. Advertisers are more likely to bid on inventory that matches their targeting requirements, resulting in higher demand and increased fill rates.

Real-Time Optimization

VISTA continuously monitors the performance of these PMP packages in real-time. By using advanced analytics and optimization algorithms to adjust targeting parameters and pricing strategies, VISTA maximizes demand matching as well as ad effectiveness.



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