StreamTV Keynote by Shafi Mustafa

The StreamTV Show Advertising Summit panel, featuring ElementalTV’s very own Shafi Mustafa, brought to light some powerful insights on tackling CTV fragmentation. From the real impact of fragmented audiences to the latest tech that’s helping us cut through the noise, this discussion was packed with insights.

The panel also explored innovative strategies to bridge the divide between how CTV is bought and sold through transformative solutions like the recently launched 1Audience, an AI-powered, programmatic audience-buying platform that provides direct-to-publisher access to high-value, curated CTV audience segments.

Key takeaways:

Audience fragmentation is real, but not unsolvable: Holistic identity solutions like 1Audience maximize publishers' inventory value by delivering curated, data-activated audiences directly to advertisers.

Data integration is everything: Combining data from different platforms helps improve targeting and ensure precision in ad delivery.

Collaboration is key: Building strong partnerships across platforms leads to improved ad efficacy - a win-win for all CTV stakeholders.


How Identity Resolution Solves for CTV Audience Fragmentation


Tackling fragmentation, 1Audience at a time