TVOOH for Driving Restaurant Success

In today's competitive restaurant landscape, staying top-of-mind with consumers is essential for success. As diners have more choices than ever before, restaurant marketers are constantly seeking innovative strategies to entice customers through their doors.

Digital-Out-Of-Home or DOOH advertising is one such impactful channel that reaches consumers in a myriad of innovative ways such as, interactive menu boards that not only display menu items but also incorporate elements like touchscreens and QR codes, or digital signage placed strategically throughout a location to showcase dynamic content based on factors like time of day, weather, or customer demographics. For instance, a coffee shop might display refreshing iced drinks during hot weather or promote warm beverages on cold days. Personalized techniques like these enhance relevance and increase the likelihood of driving sales.

VenuEx, a venue-based audience platform, built on the programmatic infrastructure of ElementalTV, is transforming DOOH as we know it. By empowering advertisers to target consumers at scale on a venue-basis, augmented by sophisticated data and AI-driven insights, VenuEx merges the high-attention, high neuro impact factor of TV with the reach and cost-effective CPMs of DOOH, in the form of TVOOH. A 2021 neuroscience study by OMA ranked TV number one for ‘Neuro Impact Factor’ owing to its immersive, full-motion visuals paired with sound, followed by DOOH as a close second. Together the two form a formidable, attention-delivering cocktail that is too valuable to be ignored by advertisers. VenuEx’s vast network of 800,000+ screens nationwide therefore, not only delivers a whopping number of eyeballs, but also valuable attention in captive moments and contextually relevant environments. Our TVOOH screens are enriched by ElementalTV’s proprietary SmartCuration tech, and delivered as high quality, engaged TV audiences.

Imagine this scenario: You're a restaurant owner launching a new marketing campaign to promote your latest menu offerings. With VenuEx, you have the power to strategically target consumers based on their specific location, along with a multitude of other data signals, ensuring that your ads are always seen by the right people at the right time. Whether it's a lunchtime crowd near office buildings or a dinner rush in a busy downtown area, VenuEx allows you to tailor your message to reach hungry consumers when they're most likely to be thinking about where to dine.

VenuEx also offers multifaceted contextual layering, including venue data, content adjacency, channel data, and genre. This means you can target audiences based not only on their physical location but also on their unique interests, preferences, and behavior. For example, if you're promoting a happy hour special, you can target consumers who are near bars or nightlife venues. Or if you're launching a family-friendly promotion, you can target families who are visiting entertainment centers or shopping malls.

One of the key features of VenuEx is its ability to provide curated PMP packages across categories most desired by advertisers. This means that media buyers have access to premium inventory in high-traffic locations, ensuring maximum exposure for their campaigns. Whether you're a national chain looking to reach a broad audience or a local eatery targeting specific neighborhoods, VenuEx offers the flexibility and scalability to meet your needs.

Here’s how you can easily launch a successful restaurant marketing TVOOH campaign with VenuEx:

  1. Define Your Target Audience: Start by understanding the interests, preferences, and tastes of your target audience. With VenuEx, you can create custom audiences based on first and third party data sources to ensure your campaigns reach the right viewers.

  2. Utilize Audience Extension: Expand your reach by engaging with similar demographics in different, but relevant, venue contexts such as grocery stores, bars, casinos etc.

  3. Activate Media at the Right Place and Time: Utilize VenuEx's proprietary venue-based DOOH tech to understand where your target audience is most likely to be throughout the day. Whether it's at casual dining restaurants, or shopping malls, VenuEx can help you reach consumers in contextually relevant environments.

TVOOH advertising powered by VenuEx offers restaurant marketers a highly effective, flexible, and measurable way to connect with consumers in the real world. By leveraging the power of venue-based targeting, sophisticated data, and AI-driven insights, restaurants can stand out amongst the competition and drive more diners through their doors. Start your restaurant marketing campaign with VenuEx today and watch your sales soar!


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