It's really just TV…

It's a DOOH screen..It's digital signage..It's just TV.

But. What if I told you it's all three and then some?

When the idea for VenuEx began to brew, there were a handful of notable names in the industry offering programmatic access at the DOOH level. Most if not all of these solution providers though had more or less the same value proposition i.e. programmatic ad monetization for DOOH inventory. And while this is still a rapidly growing niche, what these solutions often lacked was a deeper, more holistic bundling of targeting data to provide a more effective and efficient curation of DOOH inventory at scale.

VenuEx's promise of venue-based audiences at scale strategically harnesses the "scale" part (boasting ~800k screens across the country) along with holistic targeting data with the inclusion of venue, context, audience and behavior signals, augmented by proprietary curation tech to create customized, highly desirable audience segments.

What a VenuEx screen does is that it essentially completes your target customer journey, from the first touch point to the last. To put it simply, a VenuEx TVOOH screen is the unmissable slice in your omnichannel media pie, that has the ability to influence purchase decisions in moments that matter the most. Through a rich combination of contextual signals along with user data, our TVOOH screens are able to truly maximize contextual relevance through real world and environmental insights.

And when we say TVOOH, we really mean "TV" out of home, because VenuEx screens really are just an extension of the TV-viewing experience, out of home. And we don't say that lightly. A dynamic digital display in a bar is not TV. And neither is an interactive touchscreen at the grocery store checkout. When we talk about VenuEx TVOOH screens, we mean high-quality, engaging content displayed in captive moments, to an audience with an extremely high propensity for conversion. Much as I hate minimizing buyers to "conversions", what I really mean to put out there is that the incredible power of venue + context + audience, the undisputed troika of targeting, ensures that your brand message reaches the right people, at the right time, exactly when they would most appreciate it.

Through venue-based advertising, marketers can utilize the geographical location and physical venue location with TV creative tailored to leverage one or all of these factors. A single video creative can thus take a full-funnel approach. A recent study, for instance, examined the purchasing habits of consumers exposed to targeted video ads across TVOOH screens and compared this audience to an unexposed control group. In a six-week campaign, there was evidence of significant results from the exposed group that increased purchasing on-venue, while lifting off-venue sales by more than 10%!

With data points like these, it comes as no surprise that TV out-of-home media campaigns can have an almost immediate impact at the physical location of the TVOOH screen, along with influencing long-term purchasing behavior in general, just like in-home television.


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