Growing CTV viewership demands deeper audience insights

As with any industry facing a growth spurt, CTV also has an abundance of gaps and pain points that need to be addressed. The skyrocketing rise in AVOD/FAST adoption, for instance, presents an excellent opportunity to target audiences in novel ways. Simply put, relying solely on traditional targeting mechanics does not cut it anymore.

CTV publishers have access to a wealth of audience data that still remains untapped for the most part. Because of this disconnect, most inventory still ends up in the hands of intermediaries and third-party resellers who, by adding all the unnecessary fees and costs in the world, severely dilute publishers’ revenue margins. Not all resellers solely exist to add inefficiencies and clutter though; some are genuinely valuable in certain instances, such as securing ad buys for unaddressable or remnant inventory.

The glaring void in the CTV media buying jungle at the moment is the need to augment inventory with meaningful, powerful and actionable data that curates audiences not just as mere deal IDs in the bidstream, but as groups of real viewers with their precise interests and preferences packaged together for the most relevant and efficient targeting for addressable CTV at scale. 

With VISTA bringing key features from DMP+DSP+SSP to the table along with direct proximity to publishers and media owners, our clients can power their supply with the most sophisticated data points including and beyond first-party, contextual and site-level data. Simply put, VISTA lets you be in charge of your CTV revenue destiny by not just curating your own existing audience into premium packages, but also by tapping into auxiliary and identical audience pools that amplify your reach manifold.


Curation: The Holy Matrimony of Data & Inventory


Filtering Political Ads: Leveraging AI and human creative to find incremental opportunities while maintaining brand safety.